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The true value of our cognitive data annotation and labeling services is that it gives organizations the key to unlock critical information found deep within unstructured data. This unstructured data can include physician notes, personal property insurance claims, or banking records. Through our data annotation services, companies can develop Natural Language Processing (NLP)  and can access domain-specific insights about this information to help drive everything from better medical care for patients to making sure insurance claims are paid correctly.


Text Data Collection

  • EHR data (inpatient/ outpatient)

  • Physician dictation transcripts

  • Documents (text collection)

Text Annotation

  • NER annotation and relationship mapping

  • NLP text annotation

  • Intent and sentiment analysis


The data desensitization and quality checking had been done. It can be used as a basic corpus for text data analysis in fields such as machine translation.

Get Confidence to Deploy World-class AI

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